Gene Parcellano

I am a UX Engineer at Relativity. My official role is UX Engineer, but I also work as the lead product designer for the visualization team and part of the company’s Aero Design System core team. I’m trained as a designer, but my years working in frontend development allows me to contribute on both the design and engineering team. I am also the creator of the Alín app. Once upon a time, I also taught a Digital Design class at UIC: College of Architecture Design and The Arts.

For over a decade, I have worked in the fintech industry. This decade long tenure has sparked a love for personal finance and investing. In my off-time, I enjoy analyzing investments and managing my family and relative’s investment portfolios. When I need a break from my computer, I’m either in the volleyball court, in the basketball court, in the garage woodworking, or building/fixing something around the house.


Some personal projects and select works from previous roles.


Simple apps I built for fun.